
Hagiuda triggered an outcry on Oct. 24 when he said on a TV program that students should compete for university spots in accordance with their (financial) standing,” when asked about the fairness of using such tests. (Kyodo) 身の丈に合わせて」。問題視された萩生田文科相の発言を英文メディアはどう訳したかチェックしてみた。共同通信は上の通り。朝日新聞、毎日新聞の英字版も似たり寄ったりだ。“I hope the students will do their best while selecting the two occasions that are most befitting their financial standing.”  (The Asahi Shinbun)  "People should choose to compete for university places in accordance with their standing." (The Mainichi) NHKは少し違う。Hagiuda said on a TV program last week that students should compete for university enrollment "within their means." (NHK)   英文報道の現場から  ジャーナリストの視点 より転載しました。